Thursday, January 28, 2010

Bryce is turning 3 on Saturday!! I cannot believe I have a 3 year old. Time sure does fly!! I love that kid so much and we are so blessed to have him. In celebration of his birthday, I asked him a few questions. Here are his answers:

Q: What is your name?
A: Bryce Ala [Allen] Borden

Q: How old are you?
A: Three

Q: When is your birthday?
A: Jauawy Thutee [January 30]

Q: What is your favorite color?
A: Green

Q: Where do you like to go eat?
A: Chick-a-way. Moooooo

Q: What toy do you like to play with the most?
A: Dinosaurs

Q: Which books do you like to read?
A: Two Fish [One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish], David Goliath, Jonah, Caterpillar [The Very Hungry Caterpillar]

Q: What is your favorite dessert?
A: Ice Cream

Q: What movie do you like to watch?
A: The dinosaur one [Ice Age], Letter Factory

Q: What is your favorite sport?
A: Baseball (I was pleasantly surprised at this answer-thought it would be football)

Q: Are you big or little?
A: Widdle, no I BIG!!! (showing his muscles)

Q: What do you like to do with Mommy?
A: Play with toys

Q: What do you like to do with Daddy?
A: Tackle him!

Q: What do you like to do with Jayden?
A: Change his diaper

Q: What do you like to do with Buckwheat?
A: Chase her

Q: Who made you?
A: Mommy, Jesus....God made me!!!

Q: Who loves you?
A: Mommy loves me!

Q: Who else loves you?
A: Mommy, Daddy, Jayden and God

I am sure I could have kept going. He loved the questionnaire.
His "Tractor" party is Saturday, so pictures are to come!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

My sweet little boy has colic. Poor little guy just cries and cries in the evenings until I pick him up. He looks up at me and sees me looking back at him, and then he relaxes a little and almost immediately stops crying. He knows that when he is in my arms, he is okay. He trusts me entirely knowing that I am going to take care of his every need. I cannot help but think of God every time I have Jayden in my arms and he does this. When we are in God's arms, we can rest and relax knowing He is going to take care of us. Sadly, so many times, we try to do things on our own when all we have to do is let God hold us, look up to Him as he is looking back at us, and sigh in relief knowing He is in control and we have nothing to fear. Yet another lesson we can learn (or be reminded of) from children. Praise God that we are not in control and He is!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

PS-I really need to take blogger 101. Anyone up for teaching someone who is computer illiterate???

We had a blast this Christmas break!! It was actually nice and relaxing. We couldn't make the trip to Dallas to visit family because Jayden can't get out yet, so Bryan's family came here. It was a lot of fun! Bryce loved having his cousins here and Lynn and Stephanie loved holding and loving on Jayden.

Bryce is such a good big brother! He is always kissing on Jayden's head and talking to him in this really cute, high-pitched voice (which makes Jayden smile). I am so impressed with how he treats his little brother. Bryce has always been such a big helper, and he loves helping me out with Jayden. He helps change his diaper (he even throws the dirty ones away for me), he shakes toys in his face and says, "It's okay, baby Jaynen" when he is upset, and even shares his toys with him. I am so relieved there is no sibling rivalry (yet).

Jayden is growing so much lately. At our last doctor appointment, he weighed 10 lbs 4 oz. I know he has got to weight over 11 pounds now. He is now 9 weeks old!!! I cannot believe how fast time flies!! He is sleeping at least 5 hours at a time at night. Last night he slept 8 hours!!! Mommy was happy. He has been smiling and even laughed for the first time two nights ago!! It was such a sweet sound. He lost a lot of his hair and looked like an old balding man, but it is now starting to grow back. It is quite a bit darker now than it was. We have discovered he has reflux and colic. There was some rough times there where he would not stop crying almost all day. He is now on Zantac (poor kid is on so much meds) and only cries during his "colic time" (which is at night) and seems to calm down if I hold him.

We are so blessed to have two amazing boys. I love them more than I could ever describe.
Okay, I think I am caught up now. We have another cardiology appointment in mid January, so we will keep you updated about that. Hopefully I will write another blog before then. I am going to try to keep up with this thing....we will see....

PS-Bryce will be 3 at the end of this month. I cannot believe I (almost) have a 3 year old!!!!

Santa Came to the Borden's

And Bryce was scared of him!!! He was even scared to go to sleep that night for fear of Santa getting him. Poor thing. Jayden was not scared.

Catching Up...

Of course, this thing did not upload my pictures in the order I wanted...(I think it's just me).

Christmas 2009